Safety & Quality

Safety is a priority in the development of all of C.O.I.M.’s projects. In fact, safety is the first, indispensable aspect that allows us to ensure exclusively a service of absolute quality. All internal staff carry out continuous refresher courses to implement policies and security procedures that comply with current legislation. Through careful annual planning activities, precise objectives and a calendar of accredited courses are defined along with the technical and specialization courses for the entire workforce. C.O.I.M. has always developed important investments in the field of safety, even anticipating legal obligations, so as to ensure optimal work conditions for workers, both at the equipped workshop and at all construction sites. For precisely these reasons, C.O.I.M. has 9001 e 45001 certifications.

C.O.I.M. sees quality as the fundamental principle of its business strategy. Quality, in fact, questions everyday the organization and allows to keep up the times facing the market, clients requests, employees needs, thus enhancing the competitive positioning.

Click and download the Quality Policy of C.O.I.M.


C.O.I.M. is also involved in an internal improvement process of the various company activities, aimed at responding with increasing effectiveness to the growing needs of virtuous and sustainable environmental policies.